
Using С# and web driver create a program that implements the following functionality:

  • Connects to web driver,
  • Opens mail service web-interface,
  • Performs login to the email account using predefined user credentials,
  • On behalf of the user whose credentials were used to login into email account sends an email to the same destination user and verify delivery of the message,
  • All actions and results should be logged to the .txt file in a human-readable format.


  1. All configuration data such as for example web driver parameters, mail service web- interface address, user credentials etc., should be stored in *.xml configuration file,
  2. The program should support the following browsers: FireFox, Google Chrome, Interтet Explorer 9, 10 or 11, Safari.
  3. You should implement a class inherited from web driver and overload all methods required to complete the task.
    • Name of the browser that is supposed to be used in the test should be taken from *.xml configuration file mentioned above,
    • Code implementing the test behavior should be browser independent – probably an intermediate class is required to implement,
    • Operations like browser start, mail service page opening, mail sending etc. should be implemented as different class methods,
    • Please provide optional logging of the result to the text file (it should be possible to disable this feature on demand).
  4. All operation listed in the task should be implemented as methods of the class derived from the web driver base class,
  5. All exceptions such as for example invalid mail service web-interface address, invalid password or username etc. should be handled and should not lead to abnormal program termination,
  6. The completed program should be presented as an executable module and provide an opportunity to be started through a command-line interface with the file containing configuration data specified.
  7. Provide brief documentation for your solution describing basic procedures and answering FAQ. For example, how to disable logging, how to use a custom browser, any known bottlenecks, limitations or workarounds, etc.
  8. Deadline to complete the task is 1 (one) week.




using System;
using System.IO;
using Logger;
using MailRuTest.Environment;
using MailRuTest.UIMap;
using MailRuTest.Validators;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
using SeWEBDriver;
using Browser = SeWEBDriver.SeWebDriver.Browsers;

namespace MailRuTest
    public class UnitTest1
        const bool click = true;
        SeWebDriver driver = null;
        public Config conf = null;

        public void SaveDefaultXmlConfig()
            conf.Url = "http://mail.ru";
            conf.LoginName = "jumpjump";
            conf.Password = "*******";
            conf.Domain = LoginParams.DOMAIN.ListRu;
            conf.Mail = new Mail()
                To = "jumpjump@list.ru",
                Subject = "Send an email to someone, who sometimes want to sleep",
                Body = "<h1>H1 Text</h1><br><br><b>Bold</b><br>Test html text"
            conf.Browser = Browser.GoogleChrome;
            conf.LogEnabled = true;
            conf.LogFilePath = "OneMailRuTestConsole.log";

        public void SendAnEmail()
            new LoginPage(driver, new LoginParams()
                Url = conf.Url,
                LoginName = conf.LoginName,
                Password = conf.Password,
                Domain = conf.Domain,
                LoginButton = click

            new MainPage(driver, new MainParams()
                ComposeButton = click

            var magicString = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss ");
            new NewMailForm(driver, new NewMailParams()
                To = conf.Mail.To,
                Subject = magicString + conf.Mail.Subject,
                Body = conf.Mail.Body,
                SendButton = click

            new MainPage(driver, new MainParams()
                InboxMenuItem = click

            new WatchDogComplexValidator(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
                new TextPresentOnPageValidator(driver, magicString)