Task: Using С# and web driver create a program that implements the following functionality: Connects to web driver, Opens mail service web-interface, Performs login to the email account using predefined user credentials, On behalf of the user whose credentials were used to login into email account sends an email to the same destination user and […]

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Задание реализовать тестовый фреймворк на Java + Selenium + TestNG/JUnit   Описание действия Ожидаемое поведение системы Перейти по адресу https://market.yandex.ru/ Осуществлен переход на https://market.yandex.ru/ Нажать по ссылке “Каталог” Открыт “Каталог”, представлены блоки: основные категории товаров, “Популярные товары”, “Вас также могут заинтересовать”, “Вы смотрели” Перейти по в раздел “Электроника” -> “Мобильные телефоны” Открыт раздел “Мобильные телефоны”, […]

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T9 Spelling The Latin alphabet contains 26 characters and telephones only have ten digits on the keypad. We would like to make it easier to write a message to your friend using a sequence of keypresses to indicate the desired characters. The letters are mapped onto the digits as shown below. To insert the character […]

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QUESTION #3: Write a Java method with the following method signature that takes a String and returns a String formatted so that it satisfies the requirements below. It may need to insert newlines and/or delete spaces. Method Signature: Definitions and Assumptions: A word is a nonempty sequence of characters that contains no spaces and no […]

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QUESTION #2: The following Java code is responsible for creating an HTML “SELECT” list of U.S. states, allowing a user to specify his or her state. This might be used, for instance, on a credit card transaction screen. Please rewrite this code to be “better”. Submit your replacement code, and please also submit a few […]

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QUESTION #1: Write a Java method that takes an array of “sets” of String objects, and determines whether _all_ sets in the array are equivalent. Each “set” in the input array is represented as an array of String objects, in no particular order, and possibly containing duplicates. Nevertheless, when determining whether two of these “sets” […]

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